Saturday, July 9, 2011

Transom, Skegs and Thwarts

The transom was beveled and a jig was designed to hold the trasom on its 10 degree angle and then we bevel the transom and glue it into place.  The skegs are deep planks of wood that go for and aft, the purpose for this is to keep the boat much more stable when the boat is in the water, there are two large skegs on the far outer sides of the bottom and one small on in the centre up forward.  Thwarts is the boating term of seats, the thwarts are made up of yellow cedar and 6 small strips of western red cedar.  There are three thwarts and the are all thin strips of wood all cut at different lengths.  Then the wood is all glued together but the longer ones were at the front and then in betweent the long ones a 3 short ones and the small ones are lined up outsides of the long ones and then one more lined up in the centre creating two holes in the thwarts every second strip of wood.

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